Wednesday, August 23, 2006
off to the mountains
having just got back from watching superbike racing, we're off to the mountains of west virginia with our astronomy club for the annual star party. 170 people and telescopes of all sizes; a few solar scopes to look at the sun during the day, too.
keeping our fingers crossed for some clear, dark skies. it's so dark up there, you can see the dust lanes in the milky way before it gets truly dark...try that in d.c.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
ama superbikes weekend
daisy and i took a trip to alton, va. to see round 9 of the ama superbike championship. great venue. very fan & spectator friendly. got a very good vantage point to see the races. matt mladin's victory was very popular with the crowd.
walmart near the holiday inn in la cross. best avoided. the 'scene' was the parking lot - yep. that's where the young guns drive their beaten up pick-up trucks to 'hang out'. inside was a vast aircraft hanger sized, huge area of crap. quite disturbing, and we were very glad to leave.
Friday, August 18, 2006
US man survives chocolate ordeal
A 21-year-old US man ended up in hospital after spending two hours trapped in a vat of chocolate, police in Wisconsin said on Friday.
The man said he had climbed into the tank before becoming trapped waist-deep in chocolate, police chief Randy Berner told AP news agency.
However, other reports suggest he was stirring the chocolate when he fell in.
Rescue workers and staff at the Debelis Corporation used cocoa-butter to thin out the chocolate and pull him free.
"It was pretty thick. It was virtually like quicksand," Captain Berner said.
"It's the first time I've ever heard of anything like this," he added.
The worker said his ankles were sore after the incident, and he was taken to a local hospital where he is recovering.
The accident involved dark chocolate.
the mates in d.c. are still waiting for reports to come in of a disturbing venezualan cheese incident involving the currently disgraced former minister...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
here's a comforting graph...
Did human beings, as we know them, develop from earlier species of animals?
just have a butchers where the united states is... yes. in the world's most advanced nation:
only 14 percent of adults thought that evolution was "definitely true," while about a third firmly rejected the idea.
In European countries, including Denmark, Sweden, and France, more than 80 percent of adults surveyed said they accepted the concept of evolution.
america leads the way...from the new york times
Voters in
Monday, August 07, 2006
a new world disorder - and disgrace
just when you thought that the world was crazy enough as it was, a new word has been ushered in by our courageous western leaders: 'sustainable'
it is incredulous to think about what is going on with bush at the helm of US America. Bush's 'green light' to Israel is the sickening display of an emporer gone mad with self-belief. Bush will go down in history not only as the worst ever elected president, but an individual hell-bent on a course of bringing fascism to the fore in the early years of the twenty-first century.
the post-war world today is now more unsafe because of george bush than it ever was prior to him being elected into office. one doesn't have to dwell too hard on terrorism, just have a look at the latest madness to befall the united states of america:
this is utter madness. it means that if a teenager breaks into someone's home to steal their x-box, the owner can legally shoot and kill him without being subjected to prosecution. that's right; personal property is more valuable than human life. as much as i wouldn't want some bugger nicking any of my stuff, i don't want, or need, to kill him for it.
this is all a bit rich coming from the bush administration who will stop at nothing to protect the 'rights' of an unborn fetus, that wants to prohibit stem-cell research, and has made it a federal crime to cross state lines carrying a teenager to an abortion clinic. it is utterly amazing how little value that 'life' assumes once it actually becomes born...
and tony blair - you are indeed nothing more than the puppet poodle of an idiot: the world's most dangerous idiot at that.
before this latest conflict in the middle east, we associated the word 'sustainable' with forests.
United Nations - what a limp-wristed, overlunched bunch of sell-outs.
george bush. leader of the free world, my arse.
he has done more to damage america's image and goodwill in the world than any other single being.
osama bin laden must be laughing and toasting w's health with every passing day.
'bring em on!' - just how many more civilians have to die for you?