Monday, September 14, 2009

the biggest gathering of assholes D.C. has ever seen

plenty seemed quite o.k. taking the metro, though...provided by tax dollars.

these flag-waving assholes will help prevent a public option.

sorry, i meant offensive, flag-waving, hypocritical, stupid, fat & ignorant assholes that have obviously never even left the united states. yep, without a doubt, bush was SO much better....

i sincerely hope all these worryingly ideological right-wing fed, walmart shopping, 'patriotic' idiots, lose their jobs, their health care, and their homes. because then they wil truly get what they all want: no government help.


tiernan said...

Nice one, mate. I think there probably never has been an assemblage of assholes this large in DC.

nutty said...

i can confirm that i didn't see a single, hot-looking asshole.

ruthiej said...

like you I was struck by the family in silver spring that parked their car in the Montgomery County public garage, rode on the metro to the demonstration, all the while carrying signs attacking "government interference."