Friday, April 20, 2007

there's nothing like a well-run election...

from the bbc:

Nigeria ballots 'not in country'

Ballot papers have not yet arrived in Nigeria, a day before the presidential election, officials say.

Ballot papers have not yet arrived in Nigeria on the eve of the presidential elections, the election commission head has said.

Maurice Iwu said the start of polling would be delayed by two hours and would now begin at 1000 (0900 GMT).

Correspondents say it is hard to see how 60m ballot papers can be delivered across the vast country in time.

EU observers says they are concerned about the credibility of the vote after last weekend's flawed state elections.

It is understood the ballot papers are being shipped from South Africa.

Mr Iwu made the announcement during a news conference broadcast live on television, when he was asked about reports that a truck full of ballot papers already marked in favour of the ruling party had been seized.

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