Monday, May 05, 2008

American Society of Civil Engineers opposes hillary clinton's idea of suspending the gas tax

yes, of course old granny knickers knows more about gas prices, roads, and bridges than obama...

why she even knows more than the American Society of Civil Engineers...

The American Society of Civil Engineers

ASCE is a supporter of the FAA re-authorization and of a temporary fix to the Highway Trust Fund which is expected to be insolvent by next year. ASCE, however, is an opponent of plans to suspend the gas tax for the summer, even if transportation dollars are replaced from other sources, and has waged a vigorous campaign to block its passage. The gas tax holiday was first proposed by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) two weeks ago, but a proposed amendment to SAFETEA-LU technical corrections that would have imposed it was later withdrawn. Since that time, however, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) has led a resurgence of interest in the idea, despite widespread opposition from the transportation community and economists. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has also indicated that she opposes the holiday saying, “There's no reason to believe that a moratorium on the gas tax will be passed on to the consumer.”

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