Friday, February 03, 2006

the poor need not apply

how nice of the bush administration to trim $4.8 billion from the medicaid program for the poor and disabled, by in part increasing co-payments and reducing payments for pr.escription drugs.

On Sept. 15, speaking from New Orleans's Jackson Square, President Bush was eloquent: ''As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well,'' he said. ''We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action.

like they say; you get what you pay for...

and this is after years of cutting into social programs...this comes just ONE day before today's:

``I think making the tax cuts permanent is the surest way to bring more investment in our economy to create more jobs and a stronger economy,'' newly elected House Majority Leader John Boehner told reporters before meeting with other Republican leaders to set an agenda for the coming months.

and this:

Bush Request Would Push War Total to $440Billion...

like they say; you get what you pay for...


Arturo Santanac said...

excelente blog amigo. saludos desde chile

nutty said...

thanks, man. just posted it.
